Watch out for text to 551-319-4394

I was contacted by a person I know but rarely hear from and he said that he got a grant of $100,000 so I contacted the number he supplied and it was 551-319-4394 and then in going through the process that they left out one little detail that for this money they want you to pay $1500 for it and they will deliver $100,000 to your door in cash by a courier. HA that is a good one. $100,000 would or should come by armor car. Anyway their scam falls apart when they ask you to pay the $1500 not by a credit card but by I tunes gift cards. If that does not look like pissing $1500 into the wind I don't know what does. I have already made a complaint with the IC3 which is the Internet crime division. Further the person who contacted me I asked how does he know me and never get an answer- this means his ID has been Hijacked. They are doing it by text now.

These people who want constant war are out of their minds. It is NOT them that go to the front lines nor do they improve anything except their pocketbooks. Listen to a known smart guy here-

I have been restricted a number of times and I am getting tired of it so if you follow me, you might find me gone from there. I might just have to get a real website.

I have seen a guy on E bay selling these rollers rubbers that are push on. Well if anyone had any sense they would know that these do not work right and that they are a complete waste of money but still on one of his listings there are 128 buyers. It is ridiculous to think that people are buying this junk and as soon as any good Technician sees this off it will go to Terry who does correct roller rubber replacement. These push on rubber people I consider crooks as it does not work. Here is one example-

Now it looks like there are three or 4 sellers on E bay- be warned that if you want the machine you have to work to specs DO NOT BUY THESE!

I had recovered some strange things at a shop in Chicago that closed down after 50 years and I have some other stuff that needs to go as well. See items below.

Sales can be Paypal, Credit card, Venmo checks and cash if in person.

Postage for some things will be $8.45 then other larger item can be more.

First Item Akai SB-55 with splicing tabs in the package- there is a plastic splice block with screw holes for mounting on a unit- it says Akai on it. E bay has such a thing for $70. I sell it for $5.00 plus the $8.45 Priority postage- that it.

Tabs are old- they are reversing tabs- might be fine, don't know.

I have tons of AC adapters- some specialized like for Palm devices other generic. I must have 60 pounds of different ones. Will check voltage out upon sale. $5.00 plus postage. Will try and ship the best economical way.

Have a look at this machine- if it goes into production I bet it will be a big hit.

What an Outstanding made machine.

There is more than enough evidence that voter fraud and evil forces were involved here in both the Postal system and at polling places and people have come out as witnesses even under duress. I say the FBI should be collecting these people up and charging them with federal crimes- I would have them shot if I was in charge. That might also involve some rich guys who caused all this. Stop looking at Russians as the dirt is in our own back yard. Do Patriots with rifles have to correct this?

Here is some of the proof-

The Dominion voting machines are part of the fraud and should be forever removed for any voting election in the future. The people causing this fraud well I would them up to a wall it will only take one shot to straighten this out forever more as well. I bet there would be a lot of them. We do not need these people around to pollute the rest of us.

Now that we know that the Shadow Government put him in there through media manipulation and crooked voting machines. There is a lot more going on than you would think and most moral Americans would rather have Trump than this puppet in there that will do what they want if he last that long.

Much can be learned by reading Rulers of Darkness by Damien Campbell as it explains a lot of what is going on and it can not be disputed.

Wake up America as you are the subject of their takeover and you will not like it.

I am just letting some of the DIY repair people that often ask me where to get alignment tapes or speed tapes. These are the correctly made tapes made in a real professional manner and so in that case I can only recommend this source as a way to get a tape. They will not be cheap but when no other source is available- they are all expensive tapes, then at least to have a person who makes good fresh tapes it is of utmost importance.

I could go on about defunding the Police like some places intend to do but this time I was lead to this guy making his own tape demagnetizer. Why do people of such rudimentary knowledge try to make out that he know something when they clearly show that they are surely lacking.

You should do all degaussing as it is really called with any deck turned off otherwise you will blow out the head preamps. How do I know this? I have had to fix the units that people did this to over the years and they know afterwards that they made a mistake NOT reading the instructions. Now this guy does it on his video- that little amount of magnetism from that screw will do nothing for you as it is too weak not to mention the whole idea of demagnetizing a head is unnecessary anyway. Have you ever measured the residual magnetism at a head before and after using a real degausser? If so you will find out that the reading is the same as I found out.

The fact is if someone is telling you to do something on You Tube you can guess with pretty good certainty that it is wrong- that much is true as I have watched too many of these experts call the items by the wrong terms, do things that are completely wrong. I should know.

I have been told and saw adds on E bay that people do repair work on decks. This one guy out of Shaumburg IL. did full Pioneer recaps on decks but I ask- Is he a real Technician or a parts changer. Well the last couple of days I have been looking over a deck he serviced. Well the Tension arms were not touched and were way too loose, the microswitches that fail often were not changed. The low speed on the deck has a wow and flutter at around .5%. The High speed was good at around .o5%. This .5% W&F was found out to be caused by a broken foil due to aggressive removal of the other cap on the servo board. It really does not matter if he used Gold colored cap on a board if they in fact are not connected. Doesn't he check his work in the function of the deck? I guess not. .5% wow and flutter is very easy to hear.

After the correction I made the w&F is down to .06%. When I took the 4 screws out of the power supply to check the work, the board fell free off the decks so not only were the wrong screws used to screw the power supply to the front plate but the screws for the PCB to the hinged frame were never put back. I bet he has lots of screws all over his bench extra- but wouldn't you prefer that all the right screws went back in? The Belt was a very loose 15″ size so that and lubrication were not addressed. So you want to pay $750 to have a guy recap your deck and then pay another guy $300 or more to fix his mistakes? Why doesn't he do the whole job for that? This is the third customer that I have had that contacted me with a non-working deck after these characters do this recap job. There is a reason we are suppose to check the deck previous to letting it go out the door and sloppy work just makes the job not one to consider. You decide what chances you want to take as this kind of work to me is preposterous.

I continue to find more damage circuit wise as I proceed and I can say that this guy is a butcher to these otherwise fine decks- 6 torn up foils found so far and some on the power supply are missing and the wires bent through the holes where foil patterns used to be.