A First Look at Communication Theory 8th Edition

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Artikel"Bad Behavior" in Organizations: A Review and Typology for Future Research

Author: Griffin, Ricky W.; Lopez, Yvette P.

Artikel dari JOM: Journal of Management vol. 31 no. 6 (Jun. 2005), page 988-1005

Artikel`Every Time I Do It I Absolutely Annihilate Myself': Loss of (Self-)Consciousness and Loss of Memory in Young People's Drinking

Author: Griffin, Christine; Bengry-Howell, Andrew

Artikel dari Sociology vol. 43 no. 03 (Jun. 2009), page 457–476

Artikel"Smart boys" and "sweet girls"—sex education needs in Thai teenagers: a mixed-method study

Author: Vuttanont, Uraiwan; Greenhalgh, Trisha; Griffin, Mark A.; Boynton, Petra

Artikel dari The Lancet (keterangan: ada di Proquest) vol. 368 no. 9552 (Dec. 2006), page 2068

BukuA first look at communication theory
Author:Griffin, Em

Edisi: 7th ed.

Penerbit: Boston: McGraw-Hill

Tahun terbit: 2009 Jenis: Books - Textbook

BukuA first look at communication theory
Author:Griffin, Em

Edisi: 8th ed.

Penerbit: New York: McGraw-Hill

Tahun terbit: 2012 Jenis: Books - Textbook

BukuA first look at communication theory

Author: Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glenn
Edisi: 9th ed.

Penerbit: New York: McGraw-Hill

Tahun terbit: 2015 Jenis: Books - Textbook

ArtikelA Further Simplification of the Multiple and Partial Correlation Process
Author:Griffin, Harold D.
Artikel dari Psychometrika: A Journal of Quantitative Psychology vol. 1 no. 3 (Sep. 1936), page 219-228

BukuAdvanced accounting

Author: Griffin, Charles H.; Williams, Thomas H.; Larson, Kermit D.; Boatsman, James R.; Bell, Timothy B.
Edisi: 5th ed.

Penerbit: Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin

Tahun terbit: 1985 Jenis: Books

ArtikelAffective Reactions to Auditory Hallucinations in Psychotic, Evangelical and Control Groups

Author: Griffin, Murray; Vice, Sue; Davies, Martin F.

Artikel dari British Journal of Clinical Psychology vol. 40 no. 4 (2001), page 361-370

ArtikelAn Empirical Examination of Managers' Motivation to Implement Just-in-Time Procedures

Author: Griffin, Lynn; Harrell, Adrian

Artikel dari Journal of Management Accounting Research vol. 3 (1991), page 98-112

ArtikelAn Investigation of The Effects of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring on Achievement, Self - Efficacy, and Test Anxiety

Author: Griffin, Marlynn M.; Griffin, Bryan W.

Artikel dari Contemporary Educational Psychology vol. 23 no. 03 (Jul. 1998), page 298-311

ArtikelAngry aggression among police officers

Author: Griffin, Sean P.; Bernard, Thomas J.

Artikel dari Police Quarterly vol. 6 no. 1 (Mar. 2006), page 3-21

ArtikelAnimal communication as evidence of thinking
Author:Griffin, Donald R.
Artikel dari Language, mind, and brain, page 241-250

ArtikelAppendix A - Exercise Following Injury, Surgery, or Infection

Author: Haycock, Christine E.; Shangold, Mona M.; Griffin, Letha Y.; Mirkin, Gabe

Artikel dari Women and exercise: physiology and sports medicine, page 313-318

ArtikelAssociation of aromatase (TTTAn) repeat polymorphism length and the relationship between obesity and decreased sperm concentration

Author: Hammoud, Ahmad O.; Griffin, Jeanine; Meikle, A. Wayne; Gibson, Mark; Peterson, C. Matthew; Carrell, Douglas T.

Artikel dari Human Reproduction vol. 25 no. 12 (Dec. 2010), page 3146-3151

ArtikelAttributions in Explanations of Risk Estimates

Author: Dunwoody, Sharon; Griffin, Robert J.; Kahlor, LeeAnn

Artikel dari Public Understanding of Science vol. 11 no. 3 (Jul. 2002), page 243-257

ArtikelAustralian students' attitudes to learning about Asia

Author: Griffin, Patrick; Dulhunty, Mark; Woods, Kerry

Artikel dari Journal of Research in International Education vol. 5 no. 1 (Apr. 2006), page 83-103

ArtikelBeing dead and being there: research interviews, sharing hand cream and the preference for analysing `naturally occurring data'
Author:Griffin, Christine
Artikel dari Discourse Studies (Full Text) vol. 9 no. 2 (Apr. 2007), page 246-269

ArtikelBeing The Good Soldier: Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Commitment Among Correctional Staff

Author: Lambert, Eric G.; Hogan, Nancy L.; Griffin, Marie L.

Artikel dari Criminal Justice and Behavior vol. 35 no. 1 (Jan. 2009), page 56-68

ArtikelBeyond Fear: The Role of Peritraumatic Responses in Posttraumatic Stress and Depressive Symptoms Among Female Crime Victims

Author: Rizvi, Shireen L.; Kaysen, Debra; Gutner, Cassidy A.; Griffin, Michael G.; Resick, Patricia A.

Artikel dari Journal of Interpersonal Violence vol. 23 no. 6 (Jun. 2008), page 853-869

BukuBisnis International, jilid 1 : prespektif manajerial

Author: Griffin, Ricky W.; Pustay, Michael W.; Indrakusuma, Yohanes (Translator)
Edisi: ed. 4

Penerbit: Jakarta: Indeks

Tahun terbit: 2005 Jenis: Books

BukuBisnis, jilid 1

Author: Griffin, Ricky W.; Ebert, Ronald J.; Tarmidzi, Edina Cahyaningsih (Translator)

Penerbit: Jakarta: Prenhallindo

Tahun terbit: 1996 Jenis: Books

BukuBisnis, jilid 1

Author: Griffin, Ricky W.; Ebert, Ronald J.; Wardhani, Sita (Translator)
Edisi: ed.8

Penerbit: Jakarta: Erlangga

Tahun terbit: 2007 Jenis: Books - Textbook

BukuBisnis, jilid 1

Author: Griffin, Ricky W.; Ebert, Ronald J.; Tarmidzi, Edina Cahyaningsih (Translator)
Edisi: ed. 4

Penerbit: Jakarta: Prenhallindo

Tahun terbit: 1996 Jenis: Books

BukuBisnis, jilid 1

Author: Griffin, Ricky W.; Ebert, Ronald J.; Tarmidzi, Edina Cahyaningsih (Translator)
Edisi: ed.6

Penerbit: Jakarta: Prenhallindo

Tahun terbit: 2003 Jenis: Books

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A First Look at Communication Theory 8th Edition

Source: https://lib.atmajaya.ac.id/default.aspx?tabID=52&prang=Griffin%2C+Em

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